Kate Sawyer

Jun 30, 2014

Never can say goodbye...

My time in New York is nearly over. In 24hrs I'll be heading to JFK and boarding a jet for Vancouver and then on to LA.


My time in this city has been life-changing. I hoped for as much but daren't expect it.


My primary reason for hitting the big apple was to undertake the summer intensive Meisner training at Maggie Flanigan's studio here in New York's Chelsea. It is one of the best decisions I've ever made. The training is rigorous, led by Maggie herself and the principle of the school Charlie Sandlan. You'd be hard pressed to find two individuals more committed to teaching the craft of acting than Maggie & Charlie. They are passionate about Meisner Technique, acting and Art in general.


My time at the studio has been a time of great expansion both professionally and personally. The work has a habit of shining a light on the specific issues you need to work on as artist. It is confronting, it is hard-work, it is quite quite wonderful.


I have fallen in love with this city. I have made deep friendships & re-discovered my passion for my craft.


I will always carry this time in New York with me...and who knows maybe the fact I feel so at home here is because this is where my home is going to be?!


"Your work is to discover your work then with all your heart give yourself to it" ~Buddha

#USA #MeisnerTechnique #KateSawyer #LA #MaggieFlanigan #Improvisation #UprightCitizensBrigade #NewYork #Travel #Improv101 #KateSawyerActress #LosAngeles #Theatre #Acting